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Online Journal Therapy ProgrammeOnline Journal Therapy Programme


The Online Journal Therapy programme is an expressive writing opportunity.  Expressive writing is different to journal writing or making entries in a diary.  Dr James Pennebaker explains, it is an opportunity to reflect on life experiences.  He refers to it as, "a life course correction". This is why we regard the events of the programme as inner journeys.  As we embark on these journeys, we consider the life course we are on and use our inner navigational tools to make the changes or corrections we consider necessary.  

Expressive writing is very specific in that it uses a particular methodology.  This methodology is scientifically proven to benefit our mental and emotional health.  Three decades of research are invested in this knowledge.  Although the methodology is specific, it is also very simple.  That said, the human condition has its own way of functioning.  Left to our own devices, we are unlikely to act on our great intentions.  I realised this in my counselling practice and knew I needed to design processes to help clients overcome the challenges they experienced.  Expressive writing provided a helpful solution.

In the programme, we use the specific and simple processes of expressive writing and combine them with the support of a skilled facilitator and an enabling community.  Throughout the 7 and 11 day journeys, I provide insights and transformation coaching while you engage with the process.  Your own insights and transformation practice add to the tools and techniques.  Some journeys focus on journal therapy techniques and some on content-specific topics but all the processes use the expressive writing technique.

 Join the programme to develop your life course navigational tools 


The Online Journal Therapy Programme began during the covid-19 pandemic.  A few weeks into the isolating time of lockdown, three friends joined me for a week of journal therapy.  We connected on our phones and I sent a daily prompt.  We ended the week with a group call and shared our experiences.  The group decided to do another round and finally, we all agreed, there was value in an ongoing programme.

When I started the programme, most people in South Africa were operating within a "no-work, no-pay" reality.  Creating a cost-effective, data-friendly, online programme was essential.  The challenges caused by the pandemic demanded everyone to dig deep and find creative ways to support their communities.  During this time, I was in the early stages of recovering from a hysterectomy and my options were very limited.  Encouraged by my friends who participated in the informal exercise, I decided to offer the journal therapy process to others.  

Seven people signed up for the first Introduction to Journal Therapy event on the 11 May 2020 and their feedback confirmed what our informal group felt about the programme.  Since then, I have run several processes and added to the content of the programme.  They have become known as journeys and I now "Captain" these voyages into the inner world.


The Online Journal Therapy Programme has come a long way since the informal sessions I facilitated with friends.  I have created new journeys in the programme and many participants have shared their stories and experiences.  The then Facebook book became populated quickly, creating a need for a website to house all the information about the programme.

The programme currently offers the following events:

  • Free Online Sessions in which I discuss the programme and answer questions 
  • Flagship journey - Introduction to Journal Therapy
  • Level One journeys for which the Introduction is a prerequisite
  • Level Two journeys for which the Introduction and one level one journey are prerequisites
  • Level Three journeys for which the Introduction and one level two journey are prerequisites

HOW IT WORKS  audio 

The Online Journal Therapy Programme is designed to support your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.  We explore journal therapy techniques and work with topics using the expressive writing process.

After you book and make payment on Yoco we proceed as follows:

  1. You will receive a personal invitation on Google Chat.  (you require a Gmail account to access the programme)
  2. I will send a link to the 30-minute journal therapy orientation audio which you will listen to in your own time (normally sent two days before the journey starts).
  3. You will then be added to the Google Chat Group on the date of your event by 9 am.
  4. I will send a link to the instruction audio which explains everything you need to know about the Introduction Journey (or relevant follow-up journey).
  5. The first day is only for introductions, technical support and logistics.
  6. The journeys are 7 or 11 days and you work in your own time each day. 
  7. Both require only 4 days of writing for 15-30 minutes per day - no more than two hours in an entire journey.
  8. In the 11-day journeys, we have reflection days which provide more time to reflect on the prompt.
  9. You receive coaching and support throughout the process in the Google Chat group.
  10. We end each process with a Google Meet audio/video call (depending on the group's needs) to debrief and receive input and guidance.

Other journeys follow the same process with minor changes.


The Online Journal Therapy programme is not a substitute for medical treatment.  Where serious mental and emotional challenges exist, professional medical assistance is required.  Participants may be encouraged to seek medical assistance if the need becomes apparent during their participation.  Participants are not obligated to share medical conditions but may advise the facilitator privately to raise awareness and sensitivity.